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Have a Toothache? Try These Easy Home Remedies

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Vanilla extract, a home remedy for toothaches

A toothache can be debilitating. Your dentist is ready to provide treatment to address the cause of your pain and get you back to feeling your best, so you should schedule an emergency appointment as soon as you can. But what if you have to wait a few days to get professional treatment? The following home remedies offer some simple ideas for easing your discomfort when you have a toothache.


How To: Enjoy the Holidays While Healing from Oral Surgery

Filed under: Uncategorized — boernedental @
Person relaxing by fireplace in festive socks

From the dishes you make on Thanksgiving to how to welcome in the new year, the holiday season is filled with traditions. If you recently had oral surgery (or your appointment is rapidly approaching), you might be wondering what your festivities will look like while you recover. Fortunately, you can enjoy the holidays and properly heal! For a few tips to help, read on.


What to Expect After Getting a Dental Crown

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Dentist explaining to patient what happens after getting a dental crown

Dental crowns may not be the most flashy or exciting restorative treatment, but they are one of the most sought-after when it comes to addressing dental decay and damage. Since their durability and lifelike appearance often steal the spotlight, many patients aren’t sure what to expect after their appointment and throughout the recovery process. Here’s a quick guide to help!


Here’s What to Eat (& Not Eat!) After Your Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Filed under: Uncategorized — boernedental @
Woman enjoying vegetable soup

Although it’s tough to pinpoint an exact number, it’s believed that upwards of 90% of patients need to have their wisdom teeth removed at some point in their life. If you’re a part of the large majority, then you probably have countless questions on your mind about how to make the recovery as smooth as possible. With this in mind, keep reading to learn what you should and shouldn’t eat after your wisdom tooth extractions!


Why You Should Invest Your Tax Refund In Your Smile

Filed under: Uncategorized — boernedental @
Woman excited about her tax refund in her office

Tax day has officially come and gone, which means your tax refund is heading your way (if you haven’t already received it). Naturally, you may think of countless ways you can use this “free” money, from shopping sprees to a weekend getaway. However, one of the best ways to invest it you may not initially think of: dental care. Keep reading to learn four reasons you should invest your tax refund in your smile!


True or False: Store-Bought Teeth Whiteners Work

Filed under: Uncategorized — boernedental @
Woman applying store-bought teeth whitening strip

From over-the-counter strips to promising toothpastes, there are lots of teeth whitening products available at your local store. While they all promise to remove stubborn stains and restore your white teeth, they rarely deliver. To learn why that is (as well as a few must-know reasons why you should consider professional teeth whitening with your cosmetic dentist), keep reading!


Here’s How Prioritizing Your Dental Hygiene Aids Your Heart Health

Filed under: Uncategorized — boernedental @
Closeup of doctor checking patient's heartbeat

Valentine’s Day isn’t the only reason February is filled with hearts… It’s also American Heart Health Month! Recognizing this occasion is important for numerous reasons. Most notably, more than 2.5 million Americans have been diagnosed with one or more forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD). As a result, it’s one of the leading causes of death among men and women. The good news is that there are several preventive measures you can take to keep your heart happy and healthy, including taking care of your teeth and gums!


Is Dental Insurance Worth the Cost? Absolutely!

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Man using computer to learn about dental insurance

When you are examining your budget, you might come across some monthly expenses that are entirely superfluous, like that subscription to a streaming service that you never use. Making the decision to cancel such services is easy. But what about something like dental insurance? Is it worth paying for every month if your teeth are healthy? Yes! Let’s talk about how your policy can actually help you save money.


Improved Oral Health, Improved Academic Success?

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Child with backpack smiling with friends at school

Sure, it’s July now, but the next few weeks are going to fly by, meaning back-to-school season is rapidly approaching. To prevent the stress of last-minute coordinating and shopping, it’s best to start sooner rather than later. However, between planning carpools, buying new clothes, and getting all of the supplies organized, it is important not to forget one important to-do: scheduling your little one’s six-month dental checkup and cleaning with their children’s dentist. Keep reading to learn all about the link between oral health and academic success!


4 Reasons to Have Wisdom Teeth Removed During the Summer

Filed under: Uncategorized — boernedental @
Wisdom tooth impacted under the gums

No one in your family should have to go through the pain of an impacted wisdom tooth. For that reason, you’ll naturally want to make sure that your teenager or young adult has their potentially problematic third molars removed as soon as possible. If you have yet to schedule this procedure, why not have it done during the summer? This time of year offers a variety of benefits when it comes to scheduling advanced dental treatments. Below are 4 reasons to set up a summertime wisdom tooth extraction for one of your loved ones.

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