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What Happens After Getting a Root Canal? Your Questions Answered!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boernedental @
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In all of dentistry, root canals by far have the worst reputation. For decades, they have been depicted in movies and TV as a form of torture, but the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.

In the real world, root canal treatment allows your dentist to stop dental pain and save your tooth from extraction. Of course, so many people worry about the procedure itself that they don’t consider what life will be like immediately after it!

Fortunately, you’ll find a short guide on what to expect following a root canal below so that you (or a loved one) can stop stressing and know that there’s nothing to fear.

How Will My Tooth Feel?

After any major dental procedure, it’s expected that your tooth and nearby gum tissue will feel a little sore and sensitive, and this is true with root canal treatment. While any pain you felt beforehand will be mostly gone, you can expect the area to be a slightly tender for a few days.

Thankfully, simply taking OTC medication is all most people need to stay nice and comfortable.

Can I Brush My Teeth?

Yes, you will be able to clean your teeth like normal following a root canal, and you’re strongly encouraged to do so! This will protect your treated tooth as well as all the others from developing decay and infection (which might be the reason a root canal was necessary in the first place).

What Can I Eat?

Patients can eat pretty much anything they want, but given the soreness mentioned above, it might be wise to stick to items that don’t require a lot of chewing at first. Scrambled eggs, soup, yogurt, and melty chocolate (everyone deserves a sweet treat) are easy on the mouth and won’t irritate the sensitive tooth during the initial recovery period.

Will I Have to Go Back to the Dentist?

After the root canal itself, it’s wise to have a crown placed over the tooth in order to restore its strength and appearance within a week or so. Often, the treatment involves removing a lot of internal structure and support from the tooth, and the crown ensures this doesn’t lead to further issues down the line. Plus, it can make a tooth that was previously discolored match the rest of your pearly whites.

All in all, just like every other aspect of a root canal, the time right after is nothing to worry about. Of course, what will occupy most of a person’s attention is the fact that their toothache is finally gone!

About the Practice

Boerne Dental Center is led by Dr. Cole Simpson and Dr. Gregg Vesta, and they believe that great dentistry comes from a great relationship between doctor and patient. That’s why they take all the time needed to answer questions, especially if someone is nervous! If you or a loved one needs immediate attention because of dental pain, call us at (830) 249-2045 to schedule an appointment for as soon as possible.

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